The week before your wedding, you’re going to be doing a lot of different things – from making the final vendor confirmation calls to getting your teeth whitened for pictures. The following 5 things are things you should never do in the week before your wedding.
1. Dental Work
Even if it’s something minor that you’d like to get out of the way before the wedding, it’s not a good idea to have any dental work in the week before.

You just never know how your body will react and attending your wedding with sore gums, swelling or any other problem would be absolutely miserable.
2. Drastic Changes to Your Hair
It’s never a good idea to make drastic changes to your hair in the week before your wedding.

If you hate it, you’re going to have to suffer through the wedding feeling self-conscious and then you’ll have the wedding photos to remind you how much you hated it for years to come.
3. Spray Tan – Different Color
If you plan to spray tan in the week before your wedding, go with the color you usually use.

It’s tempting to try something darker just to get a beautiful glow against the white of your dress, but the results could be disastrous.
4. New Workouts
Be very careful trying new workouts in the week before your wedding.

Rather than shedding a pound or two like you plan, you could end up with incredibly sore muscles making every wedding dance miserable.
5. Try New Foods
Never try a new food on the day before or the day of your wedding.

While most of the time, it would be fine, there’s a small chance that the food could upset your stomach or that you could even be allergic to an ingredient. Stick with what you know!
For the most part, try to keep things the same as usual in the week before your wedding. This way, you can avoid any negative results that could put a damper on your big day.
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