A long, long, time ago, aisle runners had a tall order to fill. They were placed on the aisle to keep evil spirits from coming up through the ground and getting to the bride and groom. Since then, superstitions like this aren’t really believed by many soon-to-be-marrieds, but the ceremony accessory is still alive and kicking!
So, is an aisle runner right for you? They have their pros and cons:
-They spice up the ceremony site, making it look more special than the everyday space
-They can add a little decoration to the space and incorporate your colors into the ceremony space
-They can help give your guests the message that they should “stay off” the aisle
-They can make you feel extra special – not many people have something special rolled out for them to walk on
-They are an additional cost and perhaps unnecessary for brides trying to pinch their pennies
-Unless tacked to the ground in many places, they will shift and fold
-If a light color and you allow guests to talk on it pre-ceremony, you’ll see footprints all along your walk down the aisle
Still can’t decide to use a runner or not? Here are some ways of decorating your aisle with or without a runner.
-Have your monogram or names placed on the beginning of the runner
-Use a fancy or funky fabric for a unique touch
-Have it rolled out before quests get there, ust prior to the processional, or just before your walk down
-Place decorations along the pews or rows of chairs to dress up the space
-Place arrangements on the floor along the sides of the aisle for a aisle-runner feel minus the actual runner
-Try focusing your decorating attention above the aisle instead of the floor – create a canopy of sorts to walk under

I love seeing other people’s wedding ceremony photos but to be honest I have never really noticed the runners they have! I usually pay more attention to the people or the floweral arrangements. =)