PEOPLE magazine recently had an article about Katie Masters, a bride with five fabulous bridesmaids. While doing some wedding work, she came across a “Bridesmaid’s Contract” on She found it hysterical, so she sent it to her ladies as a joke. Seems funny, right? Consider this. The contact had “clause” that restricted the ‘maids from changing their hairstyles or gaining weight before the wedding.
Sounds funny enough, but some of her ladies didn’t get that it was just a joke. Through emails, the somewhat private joke turned much too public. It got to the point where Masters was receiving hate mail and having vendors cancel on her.
So a word to all of you brides out there. It’s one thing to ask your bridesmaids to do a few nice things for you. It’s something completely different to basically have them sign their lives away to you. A sense of humor is vital during your wedding planning period, but make sure your family and friend know when you’re just joking!
Just for fun, we made up our own “Bridesmaid’s Contract”. Check it out below.
Bridesmaid’s Contract
Hello ladies of the <Couple’s Last Names Go Here, Bride’s First> wedding party. It is our understanding that you have accepted the offer to be a bridesmaid. As such, please read the following. Sign and return back to us at <Address Goes Here>. Upon your signature, it is understood that you have read and commit yourselves to the guidelines stated below. Thank you for you cooperation.
I will not change the style, color, length and texture of my hair prior to the wedding
I will not gain more than five pounds than the weight at which I weighed when asked to be a bridesmaid.
If I weigh more than one hundred seventy (170) pounds, I will be sure to loose the weight required so that I will weigh less than or equal to one hundred seventy pounds.
I will not break any bones prior to the wedding date, nor will I engage in any reckless behavior that could possibly result in injury.
I will devote least five (5) hours every week to planning for the wedding, helping the bride, or completing the tasks she assigns me.
I will not become pregnant or have any major body-altering surgeries prior to the wedding day.
I will not fraternize with groomsmen before the wedding day so as not to interfere with my wedding duties.
Whenever a meeting between the bridesmaids or between the bridesmaids and bride, I will wear the proper attire, which consists of black dress pants or a black skirt which does not pass three (3) inches above or below the knee, and a pink button-up or polo shirt. Pink or black shoes with a two and a half (2.5) inch heal required.
I will refrain from consuming salty foods and drinking excessive amounts of alcohol one week prior to the wedding as to prevent the retaining of water and redness of the skin on facial areas.
Whenever speaking with the bride, I will address her in a polite and cheerful tone.
Above all, I will not forget that the wedding day of Bride’s and Groom’s Name Goes Here is their special day and I will do nothing to disrupt it or prevent their happiness. It is my duty to serve them.
Bridesmaid’s Name, Printed:____________________________
Bridesmaid’s Signature:_______________________________
Witness’s Signature:__________________________________
I’ll definitely be skipping the contract! lol 🙂