If you need a little extra help choosing the perfect flowers for your bouquet, this will certainly help. These 7 flowers are popular bouquet choices, but many people don’t think about the meaning behind the flowers. Most flowers do symbolize certain feelings or emotions, and have … [Read more...]
Choosing Your Wedding Music: Band or DJ?
If you’re trying to decide whether to choose a band or DJ for your wedding reception, you’re not alone; it’s something many brides have to consider. Both have their pros and cons. Bands generally cost more than DJs but they can also create a great atmosphere and a better feeling. … [Read more...]
Great Wedding Picture Ideas
There are tons of great wedding picture ideas that brides and grooms want to take advantage of. If you’re not sure exactly what kind of pictures you want, then this is the perfect post for you. Check out these great wedding picture and pose ideas and get some great ideas for your … [Read more...]
Beautiful Plus Size Wedding Dress Ideas
It can often seem like bridal boutiques and designers cater to smaller women, or those between the sizes of 0 and 8. What they consider plus size (10 and above) is much harder to find. It can all be a little silly, especially considering that the average woman in the US is a size … [Read more...]
5 Fun Wedding Cocktail Ideas
Whether you’re having your wedding reception catered or having a “serve yourself” bar, there are some great ways to dress it up! Here are 5 fun wedding cocktail ideas you’re going to love. Cocktail Bar Create a cocktail bar with napkins, glasses, shot glasses (for measuring) … [Read more...]