When you visit your local florist and pay for flowers for your wedding, you’re paying the marked-up price…the price your florist has put on the flowers in order to make a profit. If money isn’t an issue with you, then your local florist is a great way to get the flowers you need, … [Read more...]
5 Incredible Ways to Slash Your Wedding Budget
According to Brides Magazine, the average couple spends about $26,989 on their wedding, with a third of brides going over their budget. The last thing you want is to spend years up to your knees in debt and trying to pay off the cost of your wedding. That’s why these 5 incredible … [Read more...]
2012 Trends for Weddings
It’s been quite a long year, and in terms of the wedding industry, some new and wonderful trends have popped up. Most of these will be following brides into 2013 because they’re so well-loved and popular. Check out some of the most important 2012 trends for weddings: Planning … [Read more...]
Wedding Photo Opportunities: Fun with the Photographer
One of the popular new trends is taking photos of all kinds for the wedding album; either with frames or other props. There are many different ideas when it comes to wedding photos. Use these fun ideas as inspiration. The Sofa Place a sofa in a clear area and decorate around it … [Read more...]
Non-Traditional Wedding Trends
Today's couples are choosing not to go with a completely traditional wedding theme. More and more, they're incorporating their personality and a little whimsy into the design of their wedding. Couples not only want to have fun themselves, but they want to ensure their guests have … [Read more...]