If you’re looking for a sweet and very useful wedding shower gift for the bride, this one is a real winner. It’s easy to create, costs very little, but will be utilized for years by the bride. So, what is it? It’s a beautiful recipe box containing the favorite recipes of all her friends and family members! Here’s how it works:
Start in Advance
After you’ve decided who to invite to the shower, contact each of them and let them know all about the gift. Tell them that in order for the gift to work, you need their most favorite recipes that they’re willing to share with the bride. They can email them, call you with them or send them to you.

Transferring the Recipes
Once you have collected all of the recipes, you’ll want to make or purchase a pretty recipe box. You can take up a collection for this or simply purchase it yourself. Make sure there are beautiful cards included in the recipe box. Print the recipes onto the recipe cards with the instructions (and a picture if the submitters have one) and include the information about who submitted the recipe.
You can also add notes at the bottom of the recipe card such as “great for entertaining” or “makes a perfect amount for two.” This will make the recipe cards more special and personal.
This is a beautiful gift that is special and something that the bride will cherish throughout the years as she makes the recipes for her husband and eventually for her entire family!
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