If you have ever been a part of planning a wedding before, you know how expensive they can be. This is the biggest day of your life, so you obviously do not want to skimp on quality. However, there are a few things you can do to keep from breaking the bank while still having a memorable wedding reception.
Choose Early
First, when planning your wedding and reception, choose the location and date as quickly as you can. The later you wait to find a location, the harder it will be to find something in your price range. Choosing earlier also has the added benefit of allowing you to have a wider selection of locations that are still available.
Have It All In One Place
If you can find a way to do so, have your wedding and the reception in one location. This not only cuts down on transportation expenses, but it also can save money on the location’s rental costs, as many places will offer a discount for booking more than one room or have package deals that include more than one room.
Find Local College Musicians
If you are looking to have live music, instead of hiring an expensive wedding band, consider giving a local college band a try. A call to a college’s music department will probably reveal that there are several excellent aspiring musicians who are looking to build their portfolio and would play your wedding cheap. One warning here, however – make sure you hear an audition from them first to ensure they have the quality you need.
Make Your Own Decorations/Wedding Favors
Having someone do the decorating for you can save time, but it can definitely cost you. Instead, get an idea of what kind of decorations you want and do it yourself. Maybe ask a close friend who has an eye for that kind of thing to do it for you. You will still have to buy materials, but it will be much less than paying for materials and labor.
Also, instead of buying expensive wedding favors to have the table, do them yourself. You can find some decorative bags at a hobby store and put candies in them matching the colors of your wedding. You could also skip the favors entirely, as this tradition is beginning to go out of style, and it is no longer expected.
Do A Buffet
Catering can be one of the most expensive line items in a wedding reception budget, especially if you have it catered per plate. Instead, put together a buffet, done by a good local restaurant, and pay by the pound instead of by the plate. Or, if there is a good cook in the family, ask them to put it together for you. Just make sure you have a good estimate of how much food you will need.
You (or your family) do not have to go broke at your wedding reception. Follow these easy tips and make your big day memorable without stressing over finances!
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Those are some great tips and invaluable to everyone in this dat and age when money is tight. Thanks for sharing!