With most wedding invites, the addresses are handwritten, but what if you want a formal look to your addresses? What if you have a really large guest list? Hire a calligrapher for your wedding invitations and find out the benefits and how to do it right here.
At first, you might think that hiring a calligrapher for your wedding invitations sounds like an unnecessary cost. But what if you learned that typing the addresses on the envelopes was pretty much out of the question? What if you took into consideration the amount of time you will need to spend handwriting those invitations? What if you took it one step further and thought about all of the mistakes you might make trying to get the print to look elegant and perfect? Hiring a calligrapher for your wedding invitations doesn’t sound so crazy now, does it?
Taking the First Step
So what now? Well, the first step is to find a calligrapher. Check for reliable resources locally or on-line. Professional calligraphers will generally have references that they can offer you. They should also have samples of their writing as well. This will help ensure that the calligrapher you choose can provide the style you are hoping for.
What Your Calligrapher Needs
Once your calligrapher is selected, there are a few things that they will need. First, they need all of the envelopes for your wedding. Secondly, they will need a typed guest list. Typing the list will reduce the potential for errors on the part of your calligrapher.
Who Pays for Mistakes?
Mistakes are bound to happen, even in the case of a professional. For this reason, when hiring a calligrapher for your wedding invitations, determine who will pay for the mistakes. If the calligrapher offers to pay for mistakes, make sure that you double check the invites before giving them the final okay. If you are paying for them, check the invites as soon as possible so that you can handle mistakes before it’s time to mail them out. Hiring a calligrapher for your wedding invitations is pretty useless if you don’t take the time to check for errors.
WOW! That’s a good idea! Make your wedding special!