It is hard to stick to any budget, but when it comes to your wedding, it’s really hard. You’ve dreamed of it for a very long time, and realizing that you must sacrifice some items can be a bit of a letdown. However, paying your wedding off for years after you’re already married … [Read more...]
Can You Make Your Own Wedding Cake?
Crafty and artistic soon-to-be brides will probably end up doing a lot of their wedding on their own. However, there’s one big question many will face: can you make your own wedding cake? Certainly you can, but there are a few tips you’ll want to keep in mind if you decide … [Read more...]
Wedding Day Make-Up: Tips and Techniques to Look Your Best
If you’ve decided not to have your make-up professionally done on your wedding day, you might be wondering whether you should do something different or apply your make-up the way you always do. Here are some great wedding day make-up tips and techniques that will help you look … [Read more...]
3 Fun Wedding Shower Games
A wedding shower is the perfect time to get together with the girls and celebrate your upcoming wedding (or your best friend’s upcoming wedding, if you’re the wedding shower host). The best parts of a wedding shower are the games, and of course, the prizes. Here are 3 fun wedding … [Read more...]
Trash Your Wedding Dress: Is This Real?
If you’ve heard the term “trash your wedding dress” and thought it was a big joke, think again. Brides are actually trashing their wedding dress to create a unique and sometimes beautiful photo opportunity. If the price tag of your wedding dress is flashing in your head right … [Read more...]