As you walk along on your quest for the perfect diamond for your mate, you hear, "Pssst! Hey mister, I hear you're looking for some good rocks. I've got some great stones, really reasonably priced. I'll even throw in the ring for free!" Sounds shady? You bet he is! Of course, … [Read more...]
Honeymoon Planning: How To Plan Your Dream Honeymoon
Everyone has a picture in their minds of the dream honeymoon after your perfect wedding. Maybe it's backpacking through Europe and visiting fairytale castles; maybe it's going to a pampering resort and focusing on each other. You can identify the best honeymoon for you and your … [Read more...]
Choosing The Perfect Engagement Ring
Choosing a ring isn’t really as simple as pointing to the one in the window that looks prettiest. Jewelry, especially a diamond is a major investment just like buying a house or a car. Whether you are buying the groom's ring at or the engagement ring at the … [Read more...]
Funny Wedding Stories: Wedding Proposal Fiascos
Everyone, man or woman, has an image in their head of the perfect proposal. Guys see themselves shouting it from the biggest billboards in the city, in the middle of the biggest sports event of the season, maybe even on your favorite TV show. The women, simply see hope that the … [Read more...]
Great Places To Propose Marriage
Proposals are meant to be a memorable occasion. Where you propose can be as significant as how you proposed. Women already expect the dropping on one knee and you asking her to marry you. Add some spice to the moment, find a great venue to pop the question. Paris is undoubtedly … [Read more...]