Many brides-to-be will become frustrated at the lack of participation on the part of their soon-to-be grooms. Does it mean he’s not really interested? Does he even want to get married as much as you do? Rest assured; the man in your life is probably ecstatic about marrying you, just not so much about cake choices and favor picks. Instead of being upset, be flattered that as long as he’s marrying you, he doesn’t care much about the wedding specifics. Here are some tips to get him more involved in the planning phase of your wedding.

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Ask Specific Questions
If you’re waiting for your man to jump in on his own and start helping you choose invitation designs, you’ll probably be waiting a long time. Instead of waiting for him to come around on his own, ask him specific questions, like, “Do you like this design better, or this one?” He’s more likely to answer direct questions than to volunteer his opinion.

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The Fun Stuff
Yes, it’s a fact that he’d rather be watching football than walking around a store with you all day putting items on your gift registry. Try to involve him in the fun stuff that he’ll be more interested in, such as the cake tasting or food choices. Besides, wouldn’t you rather have your girlfriends’ excellent eye for beauty and style with you as you select your registry items?

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Friendly Reminders
You can keep him more involved in the wedding planning by reminding him kindly that the wedding is about the two of you together, and not just you. Make sure he knows you want his opinion on the things that matter most for your wedding day, so that your theme, décor, and plans represent both of your likes and personalities.

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Women are natural planners and love to see how the details of their work come together to create a beautiful wedding, while men are more focused on the end result: they will have their special lady as their wife. Using the tips above, you can get your honey more involved in your wedding plans so the day is a perfect representation of the two of you.
I totally agree – don’t wait for him to come around. Ask him!