Throughout the ages wedding jewelry has played a significant role in the nuptials of couples around the globe. Though traditions vary greatly, the symbolism of wedding jewelry is quite similar. It represents undying love, a lifetime commitment and two hearts joining together as one. You may be familiar with wedding jewelry – but do you know the history behind those pieces? Keep reading and you will!
When you think of wedding jewelry, the first things that probably come to mind are the wedding rings. The very first wedding rings are said to have originated in ancient Egypt over 5000 years ago. These rings weren’t made of enduring gold and glittering diamonds; instead they were crafted of grasses, hemp or reeds. The sentiment behind them wasn’t quite as romantic as most women in today’s world would hope. These woven or braided bands were given to the wife, by her husband, as a sign of his confidence in her abilities to keep a house. Well, isn’t that romantic? Of course, at the time it was surely a great honor and a thoughtful gesture.
Wedding rings have evolved quite a bit. They went from crude metal renderings, to high-polished gold bands, which eventually led to ornate craftsmanship, delicate filigree and intricate designs. Some rings also had bible verses, poems or romantic sayings engraved on them.
While women have been wearing wedding rings for thousands of years, it was not common for men to wear them. However, during the 20th century men’s wedding rings grew in popularity. This was due in large part to the outbreak of World War II. For these men, their wedding ring served as a sweet reminder of their loving wife and family waiting for them back home.
While wedding rings are the most popular piece of wedding jewelry; necklaces, earrings and bracelets also help to complete a bride’s look on her special day. Pearls are often gifted to a bride on her wedding day. They represent purity and innocence and were at one time believed to bring about marital bliss. Diamonds are also a very popular gift for the bride-to-be. They are customarily presented to her by the groom, her family or in some cases by her future in-laws.
To learn more about wedding jewelry, visit They have a vast selection of high-quality wedding jewelry that fits within any budget. Anjolee also has educational guides to help you learn more about diamonds, precious metals and gemstones.
Never knew that fact about World War II being an influence in style like that. Thanks for sharing!