For some people, choosing a maid of honor is easy; there is only one person they’ve ever considered for the position. However, some brides find it a little more difficult, especially if there are several women who would fit the role perfectly. Here are some tips that will help you decide!
This is a big thing with the maid of honor; she will be responsible for a lot of different aspects of your wedding.

Traditionally, the maid of honor plans the wedding shower and the bachelorette party, and handles various other issues. It’s essential that you choose the woman most responsible so you know you can count on her.
It’s also important that the woman you choose be available for several different events. This includes the dress fittings, rehearsal dinner, bridal shower, bachelorette party and more.

This can be difficult if you choose a maid of honor who lives far away or one who just won’t be available often.
Obviously, you have to choose a maid of honor that you trust. If you couldn’t trust her to keep a secret, always stay loyal to you, or keep her word, then you shouldn’t trust her to be your maid of honor.

There is no wedding etiquette that says that you cannot choose more than one maid of honor. If it comes down to two sisters or two best friends and you simply can’t choose between the two of them, choose them both. Having two maids of honor can take some of the pressure off and make the planning easier anyway!
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