In this day and age, technology reigns supreme. It’s not unusual to see every single person in a room on their phone, checking their facebook, answering emails, playing games and more. A new trend in weddings is to ask guests to unplug their phones (or leave them in a basket near the door) so they will be more present during the festivities. Here are some pros and cons to asking guests to unplug!

When asking guests to unplug, you can enjoy their company more. You won’t look around your reception hall and see people zombie-ing out to whatever’s on their iPhone. This makes for a more enjoyable event.

You don’t have to worry about someone’s phone ringing obnoxiously during the reading of the vows or any other special moment. This also means you won’t have to see it over and over during videos of your ceremony.
You won’t have to worry about someone tagging you in a less-than-flattering photo they took during your reception or ceremony.
People might need their phones to stay in touch with their children at home; they could potentially miss an emergency call if asked to turn their phone off or leave it at the door.
Some guests may actually be offended if you ask them to turn their phone off.

You won’t be able to ask friends and family to tag you on Instagram – which means you may miss out on a ton of great wedding photos that they capture.
Overall, it’s a big decision to ask people to unplug during your ceremony and reception. Weigh the pros and cons and what they mean to you before deciding.
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