Now, gentlemen, here's the drill. You must first find the girl. No point in doing this without the woman of your dreams. Next you must acquire the ring, choose well. You must ask her out, drop to one knee and say, "Will you marry me?" With any luck, she'll say yes! :) She may … [Read more...]
Honeymoon Planning 101
What could possibly be more exciting then planning your wedding? Planning your honeymoon! Okay, okay, I'm personally a fan of the wedding planning, but hey, if a project involves any sort of "planning", I'm up for the challenge. :) Honeymoons give you and your love the … [Read more...]
Hello, Sparkles!
I've always been a lover of rings. Jewelry is fab in general, but necklaces and bracelets were never really my thing. Given my minor ring obsession, I'm sure you can guess how excited when I got a left-hand-ring-finger rock of my own! That is, of course, on top of all the … [Read more...]
Inspiration | Plum and Cherry
When Ali first mentioned this color combo to me, I immediately thought of the Red Hat Society. Truth be told, I probably only know about it because I worked at a fabric store in high school and we carried a plethora of "Red Hat" fabric and products. While I never had anything … [Read more...]
Say I Do with Mirassou
Mirassou is having another contest you probably won't want to miss! They are giving away $10,000 and a "trip of a lifetime" to the winner. Other winnings include: - Opportunity to meet with Celeb Chef Aida Mollencamp from "Ask Aida" on Food Network and David Mirassou (wine … [Read more...]