As much as ladies have this inner drive to make their wedding the best that ever happened, they have to realize that life is in stages and wedding is not half as important as the marriage itself. Wedding is just a one day event but marriage is a life time. Do not allow the drive to impress your guests push you into debt.
1. Do not overspend because you want to impress people.
Remember, no matter how much effort you put into it, it will always be fantastic to those that really like you and it will also be “not so special” to those that do not really like you. The bottom line here is to satisfy only your conscience.

2. Debt will gradually erase the wonderful wedding memories.
No matter the amount of fun you had on your wedding day and no matter how impressed your guests were, starting your marriage with huge debt will definitely purge you of those wonderful memories in a short while. Wedding is exactly what it is and should be handled as such. It is definitely not a wealth flaunting event.
3. Once you can conceive it, you can achieve it.
It all boils down to your mindset. If you believe you can organize a classic but low budget wedding, you will pull it through. And if you believe nothing cheap has quality, you will never come up or accept any low budget idea.
4. Spending within your means will earn you accolades and respect in the long run.
Take a look at these two scenarios, if you put together a low budget wedding and your marriage begins to witness noticeable financial progress, friend and family will respect you for it and even use you as a positive reference. But if you put up a world class wedding and people later find out that you and your spouse are in debt, you will be seen to be a fool with misplaced priorities.

5. Don’t sacrifice your lifetime dreams for a one-day event.
The most important part of every marriage is the offspring. You don’t plan to raise your kids in poverty, do you? It is your dream to be able to give them what they want at the right time and it is also your dream to send them to the best schools around, isn’t it? Will that be possible when you have spent most part of your life savings on your wedding, a 1-day event?
If you and your spouse can afford a luxury wedding and it won’t affect your earnings, it is fine. You can go ahead. But this advice is really for low income earners who are obsessed with a high class wedding. If it is your dream to spend so much money on your wedding, no problem as long as you can cope with the consequences thereafter.
6. Don’t limit your chances of getting financial support.
Finally, when your wedding is the talk of town, you are not likely to get a lot of financial gifts as you have given your guests an impression that you have more than enough and their contributions will just be inconsequential. But a low budget wedding will earn you more financial gifts which you definitely need.
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