Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the details of wedding planning that we forget the whole reason we’re getting married – the fact that we’ve found “the one” we want to spend forever with!
Williams-Sonoma wants to hear your “The Moment I Knew” story! They are sponsoring a $150 gift card giveaway to one WeddingFanatic reader who shares her (or his) own super sweet (or funny) story! How fabulous!
To kick things off, I’m going to share my own “moment I knew” story. I hope you’ll enjoy (and laugh with me as I tell it :P).
I met Brandon many, many, many years ago at the ripe old age of six. It was the first day of Kindergarten and as luck would have it, we were seated at the same table of eight. Okay, so maybe it was less luck and more a matter of fact that our last names were close together when put in alphabetical order, which is how the seating chart worked at the time.
Throughout the first few weeks of school, Brandon continually made me laugh by saying funny things and dancing to and singing “Father Abraham” – a totally awesome song where you end up moving every part of your little Kindergarten self – right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg, head – by the time you get to the last verse.
I knew then, at the moment I realized I wanted to sing “Bicycle Built for Two” to him, that he was the one for me. (Thanks for teaching that song to me, mom!) But of course, neither of us were into serious relationships at the time. 😉 I sang it to him anyway, and I’m pretty sure he just thought I was a weirdo.
Fast-forward to the 8th grade. Both fans of AIM, we started chatting every night, for hours at a time. Finally, he “asked me out” (via IM of course). I told him, “Well, I’ll have to ask my parents. Let me get back to you on that.” I know I know, please try to contain your laughter…. The rest is pretty much history.
And though we’ve been together for almost nine years, I still have “the moment I knew” moments all the time – things he does, things he says, when we dream and laugh together – and they always remind me why he’s the man I love and want to start a family with (though the thought of actually having kids still terrifies me…just a bit ;).
NOW, for the giveaway details!
Here are the rules for the $150 gift card giveaway for Williams-Sonoma –
1. Sign up for Williams-Sonoma’s Bridal Registry. If you’re already registered with W-S, add another item to your registry to enter and include said item in your comment.
2. Leave a comment on this post telling us that you’ve registered (or added an item), and share your own “Moment I Knew” story (it doesn’t need to be as long as the one above!). Bonus: Get an extra entry by posting a link to your public registry in your comment.
3. The contest ENDS Monday, September 27th, 2010 at 12:00am CST. The winner will be announced (and emailed) on Tuesday, September 28th.
I already have a WS registry but added two Le Creuset Stoneware Ramekin, Cobalt Blue Item #: 11-2589190 as I love Creme Brulee!
Here’s our registry:
The moment I knew he was the one was when my house was broken into when I wasn’t home. We had been dating just over a month and I was telecommuting from his apartment when I got the call from ADT. I rushed home and found four police officers in my kitchen. Luckily the thief ran when he heard the alarm but had already kicked in my kitchen door. Pete left work immediately, came over, put my door back together, secured the house and took me back to his place. I had never been taken care of like that before.
Yes! This is an awesome giveaway! I just added the OXO Pop containers.
I knew he was the one when we were at a Met’s game, several months after we’d started dating. We were walking to our seats and they were playing the cheesy club music and he just stopped, turned to me and started dancing in the most ridiculous way possible. I knew then that he’d do anything to make me laugh, and that is the mark of a definite keeper!
Here’s a link to our registry:
We registered for the Shun Classic Kitchen Shears.
I knew that my fiance was the one after he walked with me to and from a friend’s house four times and I later found out that he hates to walk places and doesn’t walk for anyone; but he did walk for me!
It was my 23rd birthday. William and I had been dating for more than a year. We had kissed for the first time at my 21st birthday party, and I had been head over heels for him since then. After a painful semester apart, a blissful semester together, and a delightful summer visit, we were again parted by half the country, as he was the one taking the semester off while I tackled school. However, I knew things were wrong with us. He was drifting aimlessly in his life, and I didn’t like it…mostly because in all his confusion he could not see what I could…that he was drifting away from me. My Dad and sister took me out for my first drink, my high school friends called and sang to me, Max bought me a chocolate milk, and more than a few states came between Ben and I, because he didn’t even bother to call or e-mail. I knew then that we were over, that nothing could ever get past that. Two days later, over we were, and I never forgot…or liked my birthday since.
I love your story! Sooo sweet and cute 🙂 I knew my guy was the one basically when I realized that I got butterflies in my tummy and my heart beat really fast each time he said my name. Somehow your name sounds magical and different when it comes from the lips of your love 🙂 It’s a simple story but still meant a lot to me. Thank you SO much for this chance to win! I have my eye on a KitchenAid Stand Mixer!
My registry:
this isn’t an entry (because, uh, i’m not getting married) but i just wanted to say how SWEET your story is–how special that you two have known each other (and been so sweet to each other) for so many years! it’s heartwarming 🙂