How do you keep wedding faux pas from happening at your own wedding? You take a look at some of the most horrible, hilarious faux pas that have happened to others! Looking at things in a humorous light can help you realize the types of things that can happen, and can help you keep them from happening to you.
The Drunken Best Man
It’s quite possible that he didn’t realize he was consuming quite so much from the open bar, but after vomiting on the bride’s dress and passing out, he quickly became “that guy.” How could this guy ever live down ruining his best friend’s wedding and how will the bride ever get over the trauma of what happened? Be sure to keep an eye on your guests, especially those that have been known to consume one too many drinks in their time.
The Sticky Fingered Guests
It’s common for brides to invite their guests to take the wedding centerpieces home from time to time. However, they should never be taken unless the bride specifically offers. One bride who had rented very expensive crystal vases for her wedding learned the hard way when a few of her guests helped themselves. Make sure to enlist some help making sure everything rented that has to be returned stays at the venue.

The DJ Calling the Wrong Name
Maybe it’s not quite as traumatic for the DJ to call you another woman’s name as it would be if your own spouse did it, but it’s still uncomfortable. The DJ is being paid for his service and the least he could do is memorize the names correctly. Make sure you introduce yourself and speak with the DJ numerous times before the reception.

These are the kinds of things that can happen, but hopefully they will not happen at your wedding. Simply be aware of what could happen and take steps to prevent it!
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