Would you let your future husband see you in your wedding gown right before the ceremony? Some brides don’t mind, but to others, it’s an absolute no-no. It’s considered “bad luck” to many brides. So, where did this superstition come from? Here’s the truth behind it:

Arranged Marriages
Back in the days of the arranged marriage, brides were typically given by their fathers (recognize that modern practice?) to their future husbands. The husbands were typically wealthy individuals and would provide a good life for the bride and a good ally for the family. However, fathers were often worried that if the man saw the future wife before the ceremony and found her lacking, he would back out of the wedding and the bride and her family would be disgraced.

The Solution
In order to prevent this from happening, fathers started preventing the future husband from seeing his daughter until the day of the wedding. Even then, the bride’s face would be covered (or veiled) until the very last moment. At this point, it was too late for the husband to back out and disgrace the bride or her family.

No, it’s not a very romantic beginning to today’s superstition, but it’s the truth. These days, not seeing each other before the wedding makes it more exciting and spectacular for a bride and groom. Of course, each bride is different, so you should do whatever makes you most comfortable, whether it’s seeing your future hubby before the ceremony or making him wait!

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